September 12, 2009 Produced protests against the Federal Government across the country, but where was the media? Covering their main man, Obama, of course! Polls consistently show that the majority of Americans are against a government take over of health care. What does the media do? Circle their wagons around the candidate they fell in love with. headlines don't even mention the protests although they find room for stories about baby pictures, Michael Jackson and Michael Jordan.
The majority of the media has lost its credibility as a journalistic medium and has proven itself to be a propaganda wing of the Democratic Party. Shame on them all!
The protest of 9/12/09 has been described by some in some media as an Astro-Turf movement as opposed to a Grass Roots movement. I would like to see the criteria used in making this assessment. Is it because the protesters are mostly conservative or libertarian? Is it because didn't organize it? When tens of thousands of protesters use their own means to travel and protest it means a lot more to me than buses of students and the unemployed shipped where they're needed at the cost of centralized liberal organizations. The media dishonors itself and its mission by writing off so many disenchanted Americans.
I was at the Montgomery, Alabama Tea Party on 04/15/2009 and was happy to see the large crowd. We were called racists by the media on that day despite the fact that multiple races were represented.
Main stream journalism is dying! Not just because the internet spreads information so fast. Not just because everyday folks, like me, can blog. I enjoyed Jr. College English and to this day thank Mr. Andres for the best writing class I have ever had. But I'm much better at repairing electronics than I am at reporting on the mood of the nation or the actions of the powerful. Main stream journalism is hanging itself by a propaganda noose and surprised that it's getting harder to survive even as it tightens the knot around its own neck.
At least when there's a Republican President the media appears to critically analyze his actions. The media should be hard on those in power, but it should go both ways. Stop playing favorites and do your job! In addition to health care, the protests today complained about the massive bail outs that began with the Bush Administration and that fact was made clear. Obama doesn't deserve a free pass from the media just as George W. Bush didn't. The problem, sadly, is that in addition to a free pass, Obama is aided and abetted by the media. How soon before they are required to register as Political Action Committees?
The one thing I admire about the Obama administration is how many tax cheats it has appointed to high positions. The tax evading actions of those who write the tax code represent the need for simpler taxes better than anything else I can imagine. Too bad the forgiving standard used in judging the elected representatives of the people won't be extended to the people themselves.
Elected officials are not royalty and should not be worshipped. Cover the people when they protest the government; especially when the protesters represent the majority opinion of the country in opposition to the government. Otherwise the mainstream media may soon be considered a limb on the tree of liberty that needs refreshing.
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